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Product Development Research Centre (APDRC), Akola Agro

Knowledge Tour
Find the address and Contact details of some of the most reputed Institutions.
Do write to them / call them to take prior appointment.
They will be closed on Saturday – Sunday.
College of Agriculture Shivajinagar, Pune 411005 Tel : 020-25537331 |
Horticulture Training Center Next to CRPF Campus Pune-Mumbai Highway, Talegaon-Dabhade, Taluka- Maval, Pune Tel : +91-(0)2114-223980 E-mail : |
National Chemical Laboratory Dr. Homi Bhabha Road Pune 411 008 Tel : +91-20-25902167 E-mail : Website : |
National Research Centre for Grapes P.B. No. 3, P.O. Manjri Farm, Solapur Road, Pune 412 307, Maharashtra Tel : +91-20-2691-4245 / 5573-74 E-mail : Website : |
National Research Centre for Onion & Garlic (NRCOG) Rajgurunagar, Pune 410505, Maharashtra Tel : +91 - 2135-24056 E-mail : |
Vasantdada Sugar Institute Manjari Budruk, Haveli, Pune 412307, Maharashtra Tel : +91–020–26902100 E-mail : Website : |
Maharashtra Energy Development Agency S. R. No. 191, Phase No.1 MHADA Commerical Complex, Opp: Tridal Nagar, Yerwada, Pune Tel : 020 - 26614393,26614403 E-mail : Website : |

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About Project
Agro Product Development Research Centre (APDRC), is an independent, non-granted unit established for research and development activities for value addition of agro-horticultural produce and inaugurated at the hands of Hon’ble Shri. Sharad Powar there then Chief Minister of Maharashtra State, on 4th April, 1994. The budgetary provision of the centre has meet out from the self-generated revenue and agency funded projects.
Research & development of processes and product from the crop produce of the economical important crops of the region.
Encouragement and practical help to farmers / entrepreneurs through demonstration and hand-on training.
Providing technical advice and consultancy services for commercialization of the agro-processing techniques / technologies.
The core mandate of APDRC is guidance, promotion and helping the peoples for encouragement of agribusiness / entrepreneurship through R & D activities for value addition in agricultural commodities in the region.
Research and Development Activities
The first crop tackled by the group of the scientist for value addition was sorghum popularly known as “Jowar” and the technology developed for “Preparation of High-DE Liquid Glucose from whole sorghum and other cereals” awarded patent () by Govt. of India. This sorghum processing technology replaced maize in many food processing industries in India for liquid glucose and grain spirit production. The various value added processes and technologies developed by the centre are-
- Production of high-De liquid glucose from whole sorghum grain (Patent No. 190562).
- Process for direct conversion of farm fresh turmeric rhizomes in to dry concentrate (Patent pending, C.B.R. No. 663).
- Processes for conversion of fruit and vegetable in to the concentrate with out loosing its colour and flavor.
- Time reduction process for preparation of tutifruity from unriped papaya.
- Process for production of ethanol and syrup from sweet sorghum stalk juice.
- Aonla processing technology (Candy, sharbat & Powder).
- Small scale, low cost, simple technology and equipment “PKV-Biodiesel Processor” for production of biodiesel from non-edible oil.
Research Projects
Projects Completed
- Establishment of High DE liquid glucose mini plant and studying its market acceptability (State Govt. of MS has sactioned Rs. 22.20 lakhs)
- Developing sorghum as an efficient biomass and bioenergy crop and providing value addition to the rain damaged kharif grain for creating industrial demand (NATP, Hyderabad, sanctioned 36 lakh)
- Mass multiplication of bio-fertilizers, bio-control agent and quick decomposing cultures. (A revolving fund scheme of Rs. 15.67 lakh has been sanctioned by ICAR)
On-going Projects
- “Pilot scale demonstration cum training project on agro-horticultural processing for value addition” funded by Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission, Govt. of Maharashtra, Mumbai.
PKV–Turmeric processing technology is recommended for converting farm fresh turmeric rhizomes in to quality turmeric powder within 24 hrs.
“PKV – Biodiesel Processor” based on simple & low cost technology is recommended for domestic production of quality biodiesel from Jatropha oil.
PKV-Tuttifruity technology is recommended for converting papaya in to cherry with in 12 hrs.
Infrastructure Facilities
Pilot plants for demonstration & hand-on training
1. Liquid glucose 2. Turmeric powder 3. Fruit and vegetable concentrates
| 4. Papaya tutti-fruity 5. Biodiesel 6. Solar dryer |
Processing Equipments |
1. Grinder and Pulverisers 2. Oven drier 3. Packaging machine | 4. Cum / Glass mouth sealer 5. Basket centrifuge |
Laboratory equipments |
1. Thermospectronic (Genesys 20) 2. Water activity meter, Decagon device (AQUALITE) 3. pH meter: Microprocessor based (ORION 3) 4. Protein Analyser (PELICAN) 5. Fat and Oil Analyser (PELICAN) 6. Deep freezer (REMI RQF 265 Horizontal) 7. Refrigerated Centrifuge (IEC) 8. Magnetic stirrer 9. Vortex Mixture | 10. Vaccum pump 11. Water batch 12. Balance 13. Refractometer 14. Polarimeter 15. Laboratory oven 16. Laminar Flow 17. Seed Germinator |
Training Hall |
Training hall of seating capacity of 50 trainees. |
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Biodiesel Demonstration Mobile Unit | | Liquid Glucose Pilot Plant |
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Papaya tuttifruity Cherry | | Tractor run on Biodiesel |
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Generator run on Biodiesel | | Power tiller testing on Biodiesel |
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WaterPump run on biodiesel in farmers training programme | | Farm fresh turmeric rhizomes in to dry concentrate |
Extension Activity
Exhibition, Kisan Melawa, Guest lectures etc.
Contact Information
Dr. Sanjay Bhoyar
Officer in Charge
Agro Product Development Research Centre
Dr. PDKV, Akola- 444104 (MS)
Email :
Phone no. : 0724 2258192
- See more at:
 | Sujala Demonstration : At Sibaichandi, District - Hooghly. |  |
Sujala demonstration was undertaken on Potato in the field of Shri Narayan Murmu, at Sibaichandi, Dhaniakhali. The plot on which the demonstration was taken was One Bigha.
The result of this demonstration was a topic of discussion among the farmers of the village. To share the experience a farmers visit was organised by RCF to the demonstration plot where they were shown the produce, explained about the products & the procedure of application of Sujala.
100 gms pouch were distributed to the visiting farmers.
The farmers appreciated the efforts put in by Shri Satish Waghode, Marketing Officer for organizing this demonstration & visit to the plot.
Krishak Gosthi |
|  | Sujala Demonstration : At Joynagar, District - 24 Parganas (South). |  |
Sujala demonstration was undertaken on Brinjal in the field of Shri Sapan Haldar, at Nurlapur, Joynagar. The plot on which the demonstration was taken was One Bigha.
Brinjal’s is a very popular vegetable in the eastern part of our country.
The result of this demonstration was a topic of discussion among the farmers of the village. To share the experience a farmers visit was organised by RCF to the demonstration plot where they were shown the produce, explained about the products the procedure of application of Sujala.
100 gms pouch were distributed to the visiting farmers.
The farmers appreciated the efforts put in by Shri Satish Waghode, Marketing Officer for organizing this demonstration visit to the plot. |
Shri A. B. Thakare, SMO – Amravati & Shri S. C. Gajbhije, Marketing Manager (Amravati) had taken the lead in designing & developing a quality seed dressing drum. This dressing drum has been installed in the premises of Nerpinglai Vividh Karyakari Sahakari Society Ltd., Nerpingla.
This drum facilitates the application of Biola (Bio-Fertilizer) to the seeds before it is sown in the field. This process will save time & will help the farmers in incurring additional labour cost.
As this Seed dressing drum is established in a society the response is very good & RCF Amravati has received request from farmers to establish these drums in other blocks of Amravati which is under consideration. |
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|  | Crm Activity Nagpur Area | |
We have collected Soil Sample through our dealer M/S Laxmi Krushi Kendra, Gondpipri and the Soil health Cards were distributed at the dealers shop by conducting Farmers meeting at the shop. Further a Product Demonstration was conducted by our D/I Chandrapur on the plot of Shri Sureshji Durge, Village – Kharadpeth, tal. Gondpipri dist. Chandrapur. The Product Demonstation was taken for our VAP – Sujala & Microla on Chili Crop. The experience as expressed by the Farmer ( Letter Enclosed ) is an increase of one an half times in productivity as compared to his tradition Plot. Further he has expressed to use our VAP in next Kharif-Rabi crops & educate the fellow farmers of the Village. |
|  | Harvesting of demonstration plots of wheat under national project of soil health & fertility |
We have conducted 7 demonstration on wheat in village shingue Tal Niphad of Nashik district. The plots were sown during 10/11/2011.& 2/2/2011.The variety use was Trail ball.( Ni 301) The harvested program was conducted during 20/3/2011 to 31/3/2011 in presence of staff of depts. Of agril.
A harvesting fair was organized for which chief scientist of wheat research Dr. Rasal of wheat research station & Dr. Kalyan Devlankar agronomist wheat research station ,Shri Gade Taluka agri officer ,Shri Tumbhare Mandal Krishi adhikari , Shri S R Bhavsar CMM (WN) RCF, SMO Deshpande Agril Assistant R.S.Kadam DYMM RCF , P V Anavkar SMO RCF Nashik & number of farmers were present there was sharing of experiments on demonstration of participant farmers ,results of higher yield farmer ( 31 qtls/ acre ) was distributed to gather farmers.
The farmers appreciated the yield & the programme.You are requested to give this news on web site.
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|  | Product Demonstration |
Product demonstration on Sujala & Microlla for Brinjal, Cabbage, Cauliflower & Wheat was taken in the Dindori block of Nashik district during Rabi 2010-11.
The demonstrations were taken under management Internship Project of Mr. SANDEEP M. UPHADE. The farmers were well impressed about our water soluble fertilizers. Two spray were given on each plot.
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|  | National Level Exhibition at Nagpur |
CRM ACTIVITY NAGPUR AREA AGOVISION’11- National Level Exhibition at Nagpur RCF was invited to participated in “The Agrovision 2011”organized in Nagpur. The event was inaugurated by Hon’ble Shri. Radha Krishna Vikhe Patil, Minister of Agriculture, Govt. of Maharashtra and presided over by Shri. Nitin Gadkari, Chief Patron, Agrovision 2011 & National President BJP with Shri. Raju Shetty, MP as Guest of Honor in the presence of Shri M. K. Anna Patil, Ex. Minister of State, Rural Development, GOI and Shri Vitthal Kamat, Chairman, MEDC.
More than 100 organizations representing all sectors related to agriculture including Ministries of Government of India, State Governments, Boards, PSUs, Research Institutes, Agri universities, Multinational & National Companies, SMEs, NGOs and grass root level innovators participated in the Agrovision Exhibition.
Over couple of lakh farmers visited the expo during four days and more than forty thousand farmers attended the workshops. The Agrovision 2011 was extensively covered by both national and local electronic and print media.
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|  | organised for the members of Gavkari Krishi Munch, Nashik on 9/4/2011 |
A Krishi Melava was organised for the members of Gavkari Krishi Munch, Nashik on 9/4/2011 at Shelu Village (Tal . Chandwad) in Nashik district.
The Scientists of National Horticulture Research & Development Federation (NHRDF) were invited to guide the farmers.
Shri S.R. Bhavsar, Chief Marketing Manager & Shri R.D. Gupta Director of (NHRDF) were chief guest. Dr. T.P.Ambare , Dr.B.K.Singh , Dr. D.K.Singh & Dr.R.C.Gupta guided the farmers . In the programmed 500 minikits of Sujala 19: 19: 19 ( Foliar ) were distributed to the farmers .The program was conducted by Shri Yogesh Patil, Chief Coordinator, Gavkari Krishi Munch. In the programmed Identity Cartds were distributed to members of Gavkari Krishi Munch . The Programme was organized by Shri P.V. Anavkar, Dist In charge RCF Nashik & Prakash Mahale, Coordinator of Nashik dist of Gavkari Krishi Munch.
Use of Minikits was explained by Shri R.S.Kadam, Dy. MM, RCF Nashik
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|  | Demonstration of WSF 12: 61:0 on Sugarcane. |
Demonstration of Water Soluable Fertilizer - Sujala 12:61:0 was conducted on the field of Shri Mohan Pundlik Pawar, At Post Bhaur, Tal Devala, on Sugarcane variety Phule 265 on ratoon. The farmer was guided by Dr. Aher, chief Cane Development Officer, of Vasantdada Sah.Sugar factory, Vithewadi, Tal. Devala, Dist Nashik.
The yield of farmer has increased from 30.000 mt to 74.000 mt per acre.
For giving information of this demonstration a meeting of director board of Vasantdada sugar factory & cane development staff was organized .
Shri Shelar, Vice-Chairman of the Sugar factory was present during the meeting. In the meeting detailed discussion on effective use of RCF WSF was held .
The Shri Shelar demanded for more availability of RCF Bulk fertilizers with WSF. Shri R.S.Kadam, Dy. MM (N) gave detailed information of RCF soil testing services & extension Programme.
The demonstration was conducted by Shri P.V.Anavkar, Dist in charge RCF Nashik.
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|  | Report on construction of Storage Badhara at adopted village Katlaboodi : |
As per MOU with GOI under IRDP we have adopted a village Katlabidi, in Nagpur district & as per guidelines a Water Storage Bandhra is being constructed in the village under water shed development program. The Bandhara will benefit the village farmers.
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|  | Product demonstration - khanpur - Jhalawar |
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